Triplet states of CO trapped in rare gas crystals

Vibrational progressions due to the a 3Π, a′ 3Σ+, d 3Δ, and e 3Σ− states of CO in Ar, Kr, and Xe crystals are observed in absorption. Two groups of phonon sidebands separated from the zero phonon lines by about 4 and 8 meV for the a′ 3Σ+ and d 3Δ states are attributed to librations and to localized phonons. The broad absorption bands, the even broader emission bands, and the large Stoke shift of the a 3Π transition are treated in terms of a configuration coordinate model by a momentum analysis. A quadratic coupling has to be invoked with relaxation energies in the excited states increasing from 14 meV for Ar to 95 meV for Xe and with relaxation energies in the ground state increasing from 29 meV for Ar up to 1278 meV for Xe. The changes of the configuration coordinate of 0.2 to 1.5 Å are also discussed with the help of two pair potential models.