During the period 1978–1992, phenylamide fungicides in co‐formulation with the dithiocarbamate fungicide mancozeb were tested for the control of potato late‐blight in 51 separate field experiments in England and Wales. Whilst there was a general trend over all the experiments which indicated that foliage blight was less severe where the phenylamide + dithiocarbamate mixture had been used, the benefit was more marked in some than in others. Despite the detection of phenylamide resistance, at some sites the mixture gave better control of foliage blight than the dithiocarbamate alone. At one site where continuous data were available, the additional benefit of the phenylamide compound for control of foliage infection was lost after 1986 coinciding with a rise in phenylamide resistance from 31.7% in 1986 to 81% in 1987. Where foliar blight epidemics occurred, yield responses to fungicide programmes compared with unsprayed controls ranged from 0 to +118.5% with a mean response of +30.2%. This is equivalent to 30.8 and 12.92 t/ha respectively. Standardized yield differences were calculated to allow inter‐trial and inter‐year comparisons and showed no benefit from the phenylamide fungicide applied at 14‐day intervals in 33 out of 38 experiments where foliar blight epidemics occurred. At one site, Cusum analysis of standardized yield differences following treatment with the phenylamide + dithiocarbamate mixture and the dithiocarbamate alone showed a mean benefit from the phenylamide mixture of 2.23 t/ha during the period 1978 to 1986. From 1987 to 1992, the yield benefit dropped to a mean level of 0.68 t/ha a decrease of 69.5%. In experiments where blight was not recorded, fungicide treatments had no deleterious effect on yields. Over all the trials, there was no effect of fungicide treatment on the incidence of tuber blight at harvest.

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