Antinociceptive effect of chronic nicotine and nociceptive effect of its withdrawal measured by hot-plate and tail-flick in rats

Nicotine (6 mg/kg/day) was administered subcutaneously via Alzet osmotic pumps to rats for 28 days. Nociception was measured by the hot-plate and tail-flick methods. A significant antinociceptive effect was demonstrated during the first week of the treatment; after that tolerance developed, lasting for the remaining period of nicotine treatment. This effect was more pronounced in the habituated, rather than in the naive, rats. Rats subjected to nicotine withdrawal tended to exhibit the nociceptive effect for 10 days with an overallP value on the border of significance. This chronic nicotine-induced antinociception and nicotine withdrawal-induced nociception was detectable only by hot-plate but not the tail-flick technique.