Study of the reactionp+pΔ++(1236)+X0at 205 GeV/c

We have studied inclusive Δ++(1236) production for |tpΔ|<1.0 (GeV/c)2 in a 50 000 picture exposure of the 30-inch hydrogen bubble chamber to a 205 GeV/c proton beam. The inclusive Δ++ cross section for one hemisphere in the center-of-mass system is (1.30±0.14) mb. The mean charged multiplicity of the system recoiling off the Δ++ is in agreement with that for laboratory πp interactions at the same energy in the center-of-mass frame. The inclusive Δ++ production is compared to inclusive Λ0 and proton production in the same experiment. The connection between Δ++ production and diffraction is discussed. We find that not all Δ++ come from the decay of a diffractively-produced state. The PT2 distribution for the Δ++ has a slope of (10.5±0.9) (GeV/c)2 for PT20.2 (GeV/c)2. This slope, together with the decay angular distribution of the Δ++ at small momentum transfer, suggests a strong pion-exchange contribution to the inclusive process. We compare the data to the expectation of a triple-Regge model with ρ- and π-exchange contributions.