Scientific requirements and priorities are identified for the management of the fisheries and aquatic resources of Canada based on a series of background studies on scientific resources, scientific and technical information, renewable resource management (shelf seas, inshore seas, fresh water, fisheries rehabilitation, aquaculture), oceanography (physical, chemical, biological), aquatic environmental quality, and renewable resource utilization. Major priorities identified were: expanded fisheries rehabilitation programs on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts; oceanography of shelf seas, including the arctic; development of a national strategy for environmental monitoring; improved coordination of work on diseases, nutrition, and genetics related to fisheries rehabilitation and aquaculture; improved coordination and apportioning of federal and industrial research and development on the utilization of fisheries resources. The following aspects of fisheries and aquatic sciences need greater accent: development of national policy on fisheries and aquatic sciences; the provision of continuity for long-term research in federal laboratories; evaluation of federally supported research programs; collaborative arrangements for ecosystem and interdisciplinary research, including the social sciences; improved federal support for research conducted in universities; development of criteria for Canadian involvement in international activities; and a national information system related to diverse user needs. The national effort on fisheries and aquatic sciences was examined in terms of functional categories (mapping, monitoring, research, experimental management, application, communication) and institutional categories (international, federal, provincial, universities, industry). The overview contains recommendations to improve the national capability in fisheries and aquatic sciences.

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