Inhibition of photosynthesis and respiration by batatasins

Effects of batatasins I, III and V, phenolic growth inhibitors occuring in dormant bulbils of Dioscorea batatas Decne., on photosynthetic reactions of chloroplasts from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and on respiration of mitochondria from potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were investigated. In chloroplasts, the batatasins effectively inhibited CO2-dependent oxygen evolution and electron flow from water to acceptors such as dichlorophenolindophenol, ferricyanide and methylviologen. Photosystem-I dependent electron transport from ascorbate to oxygen was stimulated. The proton conductivity of thylakoid membranes was increased and phosphorylation was uncoupled from electron transport. Inhibition of electron transport with water as electron donor appeared to precede uncoupling. In mitochondrial, batatasin I did not much inhibit succinate-dependent O2 uptake in the absence of ADP, but caused strong inhibition in the presence of ADP. Batatasins III and V inhibited oxygen uptake irrespective of the presence or absence of ADP. Inhibition of chloroplast and mitochondrial reactions by batatasins was shown to be reversible.