Radioactive Decay ofTb157andTb158

Dysprosium, enriched to 13.8% in the mass number 156 and to 0.9% in the mass number 158, was irradiated with neutrons and a terbium chemical fraction was obtained. The mass number of 158 was assigned to the gamma activity in the chemical fraction. The assignment was confirmed by a comparison of the scintillation spectrum of the terbium chemical fraction with that obtained from gadolinium enriched in the mass numbers 157 and 158, respectively, when bombarded with 6-MeV protons. Tb158 decays mostly by electron capture and partly by beta emission. In the electron capture decay of Tb158, gamma rays of energy 79.7, 182.7, 770 and 950 keV are emitted. A gamma ray of energy 99.3 keV is emitted in the beta decay of Tb158. Coincidence studies were carried out and the relative intensities of the gamma rays determined. A decay scheme consistent with the data obtained is given. The enriched samples of gadolinium bombarded with protons did not show any gamma rays that could be associated with a long-lived activity of Tb157. Experimental results indicate a long-lived activity of Tb157 which decays by L and K capture.