Measuring the inflation of the lod score due to its maximization over model parameter values in human linkage analysis

A computer‐simulation method is presented for determining and correcting for the effect of maximizing the lod score over disease definitions, penetrance values, and perhaps other model parameters. The method consists of simulating the complete analysis using marker genotypes randomly generated under the assumption of free recombination. It is applicable as a “post‐treatment” to linkage analyses of any trait with an uncertain mode of inheritance and/or disease definition. When the method is applied to a linkage analysis of schizophrenia versus chromosome 5 markers, we find that, in this specific case, the P‐value associated with a maximum lod score of 3 is equal to 0.0003. We also find that a lod score of 3.0 should be “deflated” by approximately 0.3 to 1 units, and, by tentative extrapolation, the observed lod score of 6.5 should be “deflated” by 0.7 to 1.5 units.