Translation of nutritional sciences into medical education: the Nutrition Academic Award Program

For the past 40 y the scientific community has decried the inadequacy of the training of physicians and other health professionals in the subject of human nutrition. In 1997 the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute developed the Nutrition Academic Award (NAA) Program, an initiative to improve nutrition training across a network of US medical schools. The purpose of this funding, which began in 1998, is to support the development and enhancement of nutrition curricula for medical students, residents, and practicing physicians to learn principles and practice skills in nutrition. The NAA recipi-ents developed the Nutrition Curricular Guide for Training Physicians, a plan to incorporate clinical guidelines into physi-cian practice skills, create educational and assessment practice tools, and evaluate curricula, materials, and teaching tools. Dis-semination of NAA activities and materials will be facilitated by a national website, presentations and publications, and consul-tants and advisors from the NAA nutrition education programs. The NAA Program constitutes a major new effort to enhance nutrition knowledge and skills among health care providers and to effectively apply the science of human nutrition to clinical medicine. This article describes the purpose and aims of the NAA Program, the organizational structure of the network of recipients, a profile of the recipients and individual programs at 21 medical schools, the various strategies to overcome barriers in training physicians in human nutrition, and collaborative and dissemination efforts.