The crypt contents from 100 pairs of tonsils were cultured in 1% dextrose veal infusion deeps. Colonies of microaerophilic actinomycetes were found in 14% of the primary mixed cultures and pure cultures were isolated from 11% of the tonsils. The purulent exudate from 100 pyorrhea patients was collected and cultured. Colonies of microaerophilic. actinomycetes were found in 18% of the primary mixed cultures and pure cultures were isolated from 12% of the cases. The cultural reactions of a strain from the tonsil series and a pyorrhea strain were found to be acid milk, scant growth on potato, no liquefaction in gelatin, no hemolysis, acid but no gas in dextrose, maltose, sucrose, mannite and lactose. Rabbits and guinea pigs were inoculated with a culture from the pyorrhea series. Chronic progressive actinomycosis was produced in 4 rabbits and 1 guinea pig. Actinomyces granules with hyaline clubs were found in three of the rabbits which in every way resembled the sulphur granules of human actinomycosis. There was the central mass of mycelium with the radiating peripheral hyalinized clubs and in one section the central filaments in the clubs were clearly visible. This is the first time that progressive fatal actinomycosis with sulphur granules has been produced in rabbits. The fact that these organisms are pathogenic and that they resemble morphologically the actinomycetes found in human and.bovine actinomycosis supports the endogenous theory of the origin of actinomycosis.