Latex vessels with customized compliance for use in arterial flow models

The physical characteristics of the arterial wall exert a major influence over blood flow patterns and the pulse wave velocity is strongly affected by the elasticity of the vessel. We have developed a technique for manufacturing latex tubing which has physical characteristics similar to those of human arteries. Tubes were produced by painting a plastic rod of diameter 7 × 10-3 m (the internal diameter of the superficial femoral artery) with liquid latex. The number of coats applied controlled the thickness, and hence the elasticity of the resulting tube. Values of compliance and pulse wave velocity were similar to those observed in vivo. The tubing was tested in a model of the femoral arterial circulation and the typical triphasic arterial flow was seen. The mean flow in the vessels was also analysed, and found to be higher for the more elastic vessels, supporting existing mathematical theories and qualitative physiological data. These vessels provide a reliable method of producing physiologically accurate test segments for use in a range of arterial flow models.