Structural and antifungal properties of a pathogenesis-related protein from wheat kernel

We have purified and characterized a protein from the water-soluble fraction of wheat kernel (Triticum aestivum cv. S. Pastore) consisting of a single polypeptide chain blocked at its N-terminus by a pyroglutamate residue; the complete amino acid sequence has been determined by automated sequence analysis performed on peptide fragments obtained by enzymatic hydrolyses of the protein. Homology studies have shown that this protein is very similar (97% sequence identity) to the previously characterized wheatwin1 as well as to other members of the pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins of class 4; in analogy with wheatwin1, we have termed this protein wheatwin2. Both wheatwin1 and wheatwin2 have specific antifungal activity toward the wide-host-range pathogenBotrytis cinerea and the wheat-specific pathogenic fungi of wheatFusarium culmorum andFusarium graminearum of groups 1 and 2. On the basis of their structural and functional properties, wheatwin1 and wheatwin2 can be classified as members of the PR4 protein family; this represents the first report concerning the presence of this kind of protein in wheat.