We recorded full-field pattern seversal electroretinograms (PERGs) and visual evoked potentials (PVEPs) simultaneously in 15 migraine with aura, 14 migraine without aura patients during the interictal period, and in 23 sex- and age-matched normal subjects. All subjects had normal visual fields. The visual aura in all patients was hemianopsia or fortification spectra. Neither migraine group showed significant differences from normal in latency and amplitude of PERGs. In migraine with aura, the amplitudes of PVEPs in classic migraine at the mid-occipital electrode were significantly (pp<0.01) high or on the contralateral side of the aura than the ipsilateral side in both visual aura and normal subjects, but there was no significant difference in latency. This high amplitude and asymmetry of PVEPs may contribute to defective inhibition between interhemispheric visual occipital areas or striate and peristriate areas.