StuA is required for cell pattern formation in Aspergillus.

The stunted (stuA) gene product is required for the orderly differentiation and spatial organization of cell types of the Aspergillus nidulans conidiophore. Expression of the stuA gene is complex. Two transcripts, stuA alpha and stuA beta, are initiated from separate promoters. Transcription of both RNAs increases approximately 50-fold during the establishment of developmental competence. Induction-dependent transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms further enhance expression 15-fold. Consistent with the latter observation, both transcripts have structural features characteristic of RNAs subject to translational control. Conidiophore morphogenesis requires regulatory interactions between the products of the stuA, bristle (brlA), and abacus (abaA) genes. Enhanced stunted expression is cell type specific and dependent on a functional BrlA protein. StuA affects the spatial localization of AbaA by acting directly, or indirectly, to repress abaA expression.