Cosmological and black hole brane-world universes in higher derivative gravity

A general model of multidimensional R2 gravity including a Riemann tensor square term (nonzero c case) is considered. The number of brane-worlds in such a model is constructed (mainly in five dimensions) and their properties are discussed. The thermodynamics of a Schwarzschild–anti-deSitter (S-AdS) BH (with boundary) is presented when perturbation on c is used. The entropy, free energy, and energy are calculated. For a nonzero c the entropy (energy) is not proportional to the area (mass). The equation of motion of the brane in a BH background is presented as a FRW equation. Using a dual CFT description it is shown that the dual field theory is not a conformal one when c is not zero. In this case the holographic entropy does not coincide with the BH entropy (they coincide for Einstein gravity or c=0 HD gravity where the AdS/CFT description is well applied). An asymmetrically warped background (an analogue of a charged AdS BH) where Lorentz invariance violation occurs is found. The cosmological 4D dS brane connecting two dS bulk spaces is formulated in terms of the parameters of R2 gravity. Within the proposed dS/CFT correspondence the holographic conformal anomaly from five-dimensional higher derivative gravity in a de Sitter background is evaluated.