Urinary Excretion of Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) in Experimental and Occupational Exposure

Fifteen human volunteers were exposed to tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene, tetrachloroethene) vapor at 3.6–316 mg/m3 for 2–4 hr at rest (10 cases) and during light physical exercise (5 cases). Subsequently, 55 workers who were occupationally exposed to tetrachloroethylene in eight commercial dry cleaning facilities were studied (median value, 66 mg/m3; geometric standard deviation, 3.15 mg/m3). In both the experimentally exposed subjects and occupationally exposed workers the urinary concentration of tetrachloroethylene showed a linear relationship to the corresponding environmental time-weighted average concentration. The findings indicate that the urinary concentration of tetrachloroethylene can be used as an appropriate biological exposure indicator. In occupationally exposed subjects performing moderate work, the urinary tetrachloroethylene concentration corresponding to the time-weighted average of the threshold limit value proved to be 120 mcg/L and its 95% lower confidence limit (biological threshold) 100 mcg/L. The effects of workload on the tetrachloroethylene urinary elimination are also accounted for.