Response in Rat Incisor Dentin to Injected Strontium, Fluoride, and Parathyroid Extract

Rats weighing 200g were injected with the following agents at the doses indicated NaF, l-8mg/100g; SrCl2, 2-125mg/100g; parathyroid extract (Lilly) (PTE), 50-800 units/100g. Cross-sections of incisors were microradiographed. The responses produced by these agents were not identical. The Sr and PTE responses contained a hypomineralized component, but no hypermineralized band, while the F response contained both. The dose of PTE necessary to produce a response (200 units) was much greater than that known to produce substantial changes in serum chemistry. Responses were detectable with doses of F (1 mg) and Sr (5 mg) which did not produce gross induration at the injection site. These differences indicate that the etiology of the response is different for each of the causative agents.