Spallation ratios and production cross sections of Ar36,38,39,42 have been measured for the interaction of 0.080, 0.150, 0.600, 1.05, and 24 GeV protons with scandium, titanium, iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper. Argon is measured by means of a 60° 12 cm radius mass spectrometer, equipped with a gas extraction line and a calibration system. Precision is 1 to 5% for isotope ratios, and 10 to 20% for the cross sections. With regard to spallation reactions, some systematic effects are shown or confirmed. Excitation functions go through a maximum at high energy, then drop asymptotically to a constant value. The ratio of maximum to asymptote cross sections is about 1.6. The spallation ratios depend linearly on the (NZ)T ratios of the target and there is probably a linear correlation between the position of the peak of the spallation distribution and the (NZ)T ratio. Experimental values are compared with semiempirical fits and some astrophysical implications are discussed.