Sunlight Inactivation of Enterococci and Fecal Coliforms in Sewage Effluent Diluted in Seawater

Inactivation (loss of culturability) by sunlight of enterococci and fecal coliforms within sewage effluent diluted in seawater was investigated in field experiments. In most experiments, 500-ml flasks of pure silica were used to confine activated sludge effluent diluted to 2% (vol/vol) in seawater. Inactivation of bacteria in these flasks (diameter, 0.1 m) was faster than in either open chambers (depth, 0.25 m) or patches of dyed effluent (depth of order, 1 m), probably because of the longer light paths in the latter two types of experiment, which caused greater attenuation of sunlight. Inactivation of 90% of enterococci generally required 2.3 times the insolation required for 90% inactivation of fecal coliforms, because of both the presence of larger initial shoulders on survival curves and a lower final inactivation rate. Two parameters are required to model inactivation of enterococci, a shoulder constant as well as a rate coefficient. The depth dependence of inactivation rate for both fecal indicators matched the attenuation profile of UV-A radiation at about 360 nm. Inactivation by UV-B radiation (290 to 320 nm), which penetrates much less into seawater, is of minor importance compared with the UV-A and visible radiation in sunlight, contrary to expectations in consideration of published action spectra for bacterial inactivation.