To the Editor. —Strabismus and diplopia are uncommon complications after cataract surgery. Their occurrence has been attributed to restrictions induced by bridle suture placement or the direct myotoxic effect of local anesthetics.1,2 These complications have also been described in cases of preexisting amblyopia or strabismus.3 The present report describes an unusual case of acquired ocular muscle fibrosis after cataract surgery. Report of a Case. —A 73-year-old woman had a six-month history of vertical diplopia that began shortly after her second cataract operation with intraocular lens implantation. At 68 years of age, she began developing early cataracts and had 20/30 visual acuity in each eye. She denied having diplopia, and results of routine motility testing were normal. At 72 years of age, she underwent an uneventful cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation in her left eye. Six months later, she underwent a similar surgical procedure in her right eye.

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