Anatomo-pathological findings in a case of combined deficiency of sulphite oxidase and xanthine oxidase with a defect of molybdenum cofactor

A case of combined deficiency of sulphite-oxidase and xanthine-oxidase with a defect of the molybdenum cofactor, which is vital to the activity of sulphite-, xanthine- and aldehyde-oxidase, is reported here. Seven cases of combined deficiencies have been described with regard to both clinical and laboratory findings. The clinical, laboratory and anatomo-pathological features and, in particular, the central nervous system lesions of the present case correspond exactly to those in the case described Rosenblum in which an isolated deficiency in sulphiteoxidase was present. As the cerebral alterations in the present case are comparable to those described in Rosenblum's case, they probably result from the defect in sulphite-oxidase acitivity.