Hemorrhagic Necrosis in Pancreas Allografts

AT PRESENT, transplantation of the pancreas is an interesting technical exercise of more importance in studies of gland physiology than in those of allograft immunology. Examples of this are: the demonstration of interstitial fibrosis in the heterotopic autograft by Dreiling, the finding of elevated plasma insulin levels after heterotopic allografting, and the discovery of hyperamylasemia accompanying auxiliary pancreas allograft rejection.1-3 Nevertheless, as various measures of tissue typing become available for prospective donor-recipient pairing and as safer adjuvants for immunosuppression become available, pancreas transplantation assumes a more practical aspect.4,5 If tissue typing and safe immunosuppression can be combined with organ storage, the transplantation of desirable but nonessential organs such as the pancreas may become feasible. Although total pancreas transplantation has been accomplished, the difficulties of pancreatic necrosis occuring after transplantation reported by a number of investigators prompted the following study.6,7 Methods Eighty-two mongrel dogs unselected as to weight