Fluorine-19 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the Liquid and Solid Phases of Fluorine

Fluorine‐19 NMR has been studied from 105 to 4.2°K in elemental fluorine. In the liquid phase the spin–rotational interaction determines the spin–lattice relaxation time (T1) except within about 17°K of the melting point, where the effect of a small amount of dissolved molecular oxygen becomes evident. Self‐diffusion coefficients have been measured in the liquid from 105°K to the melting point (53.5°K) and are well represented by the expression (6.6 ± 0.3) × 10−4exp[− (510 ± 30) / RT] cm2sec−1 . Spin–rotational 1) correlation times have been calculated from the experimental relaxation times. Nuclear dipolar 2) correlation times have been estimated from the quasilattice‐random flight model. The product τ1τ2 is a factor of 20 longer than predicted by the continuum theory of rotational diffusion. A root mean square angular jump of 2.6 rad is estimated from comparison of the experimental data with the large angular jump model of molecular rotation. T1 , rotating frame (T) , and spin–spin relaxation times were measured in the β phase from 53.5 to 45.5°K. The β phase is a plastic crystal with relatively rapid translational diffusion and very rapid, but anisotropic, rotational diffusion. T1 is essentially unchanged from the liquid to the β phase. The self‐diffusion coefficients are accounted for entirely by an increase in the work required to create a vacancy in going from the liquid to the β phase. In the α phase, below 45.5°K, a small amplitude mode of molecular motion persists. A 15° “tilt” motion of the molecules is assigned to the minimum observed in T in the α phase. A shallow minimum in T1 is assigned to spin diffusion to molecular oxygen impurities and occurs due to the proximity of the oxygen electronic spin–lattice relaxation rate to the fluorine larmor frequency.