Role of hormones on flower bud formation in thin-layer expiants of tobacco

Flower bud formation was studied in thin-layer tissue expiants of epidermis plus subepidermal cortex from the inflorescence ramifications ofNicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun. With appropriate hormone concentrations of BA and NAA expiants from flowerv and fruitbearing stalks regenerate flower buds only, while those from the internodes of the inflorescence ramifications produce generative as well as vegetative buds. In both types of expiants the number of buds formed depend mainly on the hormone concentrations but, in addition, the age of stalks and internodes from which expiants are taken also affects bud formation. Both ABA and JA inhibit flower bud formation in expiants of flower stalks. JA was shown to particularly inhibit bud initiation.