The first measurements of current drive (refluxing) and refuelling by spheromak injection into a tokamak are discussed in detail. The current drive mechanism is attributed to the process of helicity injection, and refuelling is attributed to the rapid incorporation of the dense spheromak plasma into the tokamak. After an abrupt increase (up to go%), the tokamak current decays by a factor of three because of plasma cooling caused by the merging of the relatively cold spheromak with the tokamak. The tokamak density profile peaks sharply because of the injected spheromak plasma (ne increases by a factor of six) and then becomes hollow, suggestive of an interchange instability. Also discussed is the energy efficiency of spheromak injection current drive and the scaling of this process to larger machines. Refuelling by spheromak injection appears to be a viable scheme for larger machines. However, refluxing by spheromak injection is limited by geometrical and electrical efficiencies (both about 10%) as well as a high repetition rate requirement.