The exact solution is given for a linear chain of N atoms of spin ½ coupled together by the anisotropic Hamiltonian H=2JΣi=1N[SizSi+1z+(1α)(SixSi+1x+SiySi+1y)]. The energy of the antiferromagnetic ground state is computed and comparison is made with a variational method. The parameter α is allowed to vary between 0 and 1, regulating the relative amount of Ising anisotropy. The short-range order, ΣiSizSi+1z, is calculated exactly from the variation of the ground-state energy with α. It is shown that a kink in the short-range order curve calculated using the variational method is fictitious, and the associated discontinuity in 2Eα2 is nonexistent. A discussion is given of long-range order and criticisms are presented regarding the predictions of the variational method.

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