Incidence at birth and natural history of cryptorchidism: A study of 10,730 consecutive male infants

Of the 10,730 neonates born in the period 1978–1997 and examined for cryptorchidism (C) at birth, 1387 were pre-term (gestational age nd decade (1988–1997). In the groups also examined at 6 months of life, spontaneous descent occurred almost completely within the first 6 months of life in term infants, but not in pre-terms. No evidence of seasonal cyclicity was found. Medical and/or surgical treatment was generally started within 2–4 yr of age earlier in the second decade of the study. In conclusion, the main risk factor for C at birth and at 12 months of life seems to be preterm birth and low birth weight. If this is associated itself to a higher risk of infertility too, it remains to be defined.