Predictive value of selected sperm parameters for classical in vitro fertilization procedure of oocyte fertilization

A proportion of fertilized oocytes during classical in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure was analysed depending on the following factors: number of mature oocytes, seminological criteria such as sperm morphology in raw semen and after its selection in a density gradient (six structural defects of a male gamete were taken into consideration), sperm concentration, motility parameters according to World Health Organization criteria and the functional tests: hypo-osmotic swelling assay and acrosomal reaction induced by calcium ionophore. Evaluation of DNA content in sperm by image cytometry and determination of malonyldialdehydes in seminal plasma were also performed. Seventy-nine semen samples from patients undergoing IVF were assessed. Apart from significant correlations obtained for selected semen parameters and proportion of fertilized eggs, logistic regression analysis showed that the best predictive factors for oocyte fertilization were normal morphology of sperm before and after gradient selection, grade B and C of sperm movement in raw semen, and DNA content after density gradient centrifugation, which all accounted for 76.7% of fertilization predictive value.