Volume changes accompanying thermal denaturation of deoxyribonucleic acid. II. Denaturation at alkaline pH

The change in apparent molal volume ϕ of DNA on thermal denaturation in carbonate buffer at pH 11.0 has been determined by the dilatometric method. It was found that ϕ increases sigmoidally during the helix–coil transition. Several methods, including a colorimetric technique that closely simulates the conditions used in the dilatometric experiments, were employed to estimate the protons lost by the DNA during the transition. These measurements indicated that the extent of the proton loss depends on the counterion present, increasing in the order Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Cs+. The major part of the volume changes observed during the denaturation is due to the volume changes expected to accompany the transfer of protons from the bases guanine and thym ne to carbonate ions. As has been previously reported for the denaturation of DNA at neutral pH, the volume change directly due to the change in shape of the polymer molecules is so small as to be experimentally undetectable.