Failure of Fixation Suppression of Caloric Nystagmus and Ocular Motor Abnormalities

• Caloric nystagmus is substantially suppressed by visual fixation. The degree of suppression of caloric nystagmus is influenced by the condition of visual fixation. We studied the percent reduction in slow-phase velocity of caloric nystagmus by visual fixation and certain abnormalities in optokinetic nystagmus, smooth pursuit, and maintenance of ocular position of gaze in 38 patients with disorders of the CNS. The inability to suppress caloric nystagmus by visual fixation correlated with reduction in optokinetic nystagmus, deficit in smooth pursuit eye movements, and presence of gaze nystagmus. It seems probable that modulation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex is influenced by the same mechanisms that are concerned with optokinetic nystagmus, maintenance of ocular position of gaze, and smooth pursuit eye movements.