Immunoscintigraphy in Hodgkin's disease and anaphastic large cell lymphomas: Results in 18 patients using the iodine radiolabeled monoclonal antibody HRS-3

Immunoscintigraphy (IS) using the HRS-3 Hodgkin associated monoclonal antibody (MoAb) was performed in 18 patients with Hodgkin's Disease (HD) at staging or re.staging. Either F(ab')2 fragments (14 patients) or whole HRS-3 (4 patients) labeled with 77–260 Mbq 131–1 were used. Whole body images, including anterior and posterior views, were taken from a digital gamma camera, within 4 to 8 hours after injection and then daily for 5 days. In one patient IS was discontinued due to iodine intolerance. Seventeen patients were evaluable: 14 showed a true positive result including 2 cases which were reviewed as anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). Nodal, splenic, bone marrow and mus cle involvements were imaged, many of these sites were previously unsuspected. In 7 patients with true positive find ings the Pressman Specificity Index, as measured from biop sied material, ranged from 1.5–3 in 4 patients and from 5 to greater than 100 in 3 patients. Imaging was equivocal or failed in 1 patient (lymph nodes). In 2 patients, IS imaging was truly negative due to the absence of active HD, and a false negative result occurred once (inguinal node). In none of the patients a false positive image was observed. In order to rule out non specific iodine uptake a control, anti-ACE MoAb, labeled with 125-Iodine was injected simultaneously in 10 patients. The evaluation of the study gave a sensivity of 87% and a good specificity. IS using radioiodine labeled MoAbs is feasible and represents a reliable non-invasive diagnostic method for the staging and follow-up of HD and ALCL.