Presenilin 1 interaction in the brain with a novel member of the Armadillo family

ONE approach to understanding the function of presenilin 1 (PS1), is to discover those proteins with which it interacts. Evidence for a function in developmental patterning came from C. elegans, in which a PS homologue was identified by screening for suppressors of a mutation in Notch/lin-12, a gene which specifies cell fate. However, this genetic experiment cannot determine which proteins directly interact with PS1. Therefore, we utilized the two hybrid system and confirmatory co-immunoprecipitations to identify a novel catenin, termed β-catenin, which interacts with PS1 and is principally expressed in brain. The catenins are a gene family related to the Armadillo gene in Drosophila, some of which appear to have dual roles – they are components of cell-cell adherens junctions, and may serve as intermediates in the Wingless (Wg) signaling pathway, which, like Notch/lin-12, is also responsible for a variety of inductive signaling events. In the non-neuronal 293 cell line, PS1 interacted with β-catenin, the family member with the greatest homology to Armadillo. Wg and Notch interactions are mediated by the Dishevelled gene, which may form a signaling complex with PS1 and Wg pathway intermediates to regulate the function of the Notch/lin-12 gene.