Cavernous transformation of the portal vein: patterns of intrahepatic and splanchnic collateral circulation detected with Doppler sonography.

Cavernous transformation of the portal vein is defined as the formation of venous channels within or around a previously thrombosed portal vein. The purpose of this work was to study the hemodynamic consequences of cavernous transformation of the portal vein in a group of afflicted patients by use of Doppler sonography. We wished to study the evolution from portal vein thrombosis to the formation of cavernous transformation, the extent of resulting extrahepatic collateral channels, and the patterns of splanchnic collateral circulation.Seventy-five patients (48 adults and 27 children) with cavernous transformation of the portal vein were studied with color and/or pulsed Doppler sonography. Blood flow in the extrahepatic portal vein, in its segmental branches, in the hepatic veins and artery, and in the splanchnic veins was examined. Collateral pathways were sought. For nine patients with acute thrombosis of the portal vein, serial examinations were performed during the formation of cavernous transformation...

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