Pregnancy in Jamaican women with homozygous sickle cell disease. Fetal and maternal outcome

The outcome of 664 pregnancies in 297 Jamaican women with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease over the period 1959-1984 was reviewed. Overall, the spontaneous abortion rate was 118 per 1000 pregnancies, the stillbirth rate 128 per 1000 births, and perinatal mortality 171 per 1000 births. There was a striking secular increase in both spontaneous abortions and stillbirths which was accounted for, in part, by a trend for abortions to increase with maternal age up to the age of 30 years, a greater proportion of patients in the high-risk 25-29 year age group occurring in the 1980-1984 period. Another factor contributing to the poor obstetric performance in the 1980-1984 period was probably an increased survival and pregnancy rate in high-risk patients. Seven women had pregnancy-related deaths giving a pregnancy mortality rate of 1.1%.

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