Optical properties of layered transition-metal iodides

Low-temperature reflectance data from layered single crystals of FeI2, CoI2, and NiI2 have been obtained in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum up to 31 eV with synchrotron radiation, and the high-frequency dielectric tensor elements εxxT(E) have been deduced by Kramers-Kronig analysis. The spectra can be described in terms of single-particle (charge transfer, direct interband transitions, and excitons) and collective excitations (valence-electron plasma oscillations). The presence of collective effects is indicated by a plasma resonance which corresponds roughly to an electron density of 12 per molecule. Following recent calculations for the band structures of transition-metal chlorides and NiBr2 and basing our analysis on the experimental data, we found it possible to interpret the low-lying transitions satisfactorily. In particular, the direct energy gap is assigned to Γ3Γ1+ transitions in FeI2 (6 eV), CoI2 (6.15.eV), and NiI2 (6.26 eV). Furthermore, the interpretation of the satellite exciton located at the low-energy side of the Γ doublet in iodide compounds is attempted in terms of the Onodera-Toyozawa theory by considering the exchange interaction of the triplet-exciton electron in the itinerant 4s states with localized magnetic moment of the metal 3d electrons.