Mixing between ordinary and exotic fermions

The results of a comprehensive analysis of the limits on mixings between ordinary fermions and possible heavy fermions with exotic SU(2)×U(1) assignments (e.g., left-handed singlets and/or right-handed doublets) are presented. A general formalism for describing such mixings is given. It is shown that a variety of constraints, including the relation between the W and Z masses and the Fermi constant, charged-current universality, limits on induced right-handed charged currents, and flavor-diagonal neutral currents suffice to limit all directions in parameter space that are not excluded by the absence of flavor-changing neutral currents. Limits on s2, the square of the mixing between ordinary and exotic fermions, are quite stringent for the νμL, μL, uL, and dL (s2≤0.002–0.005) if only one particle is allowed to mix at a time, but are weaker by an order of magnitude if fine-tuned cancellations between different mixings are allowed. Similar statements apply to quark mixings with heavy sequential doublets. Limits on s2 for the other light fermions (νeL, eL,eR,μR, uR,dR) are in the range 0.020.06, while those for the s, c, b, ντ, and τ are considerably weaker. Slightly stronger limits are found in specific models (e.g., E6). Implications for the masses of the heavy exotic fermions are discussed.