Effect in Man of a New Indandione Anticoagulant.

A new anticoagulant, Dipaxin (diphenylacetyl-1,3-indandione), in-duces an effective hypoprothrombinemia in single doses as small as 4 mg. It appears to be more potent on a wt. basis than any other known agent. After single doses of 20 mg. a marked hypoprothrombinemia was usually evident in 48 hrs. which persisted from 6-10 days. Its effects were usually reproducible and predictable. The drug was successfully admd. therapeutically. The recommended starting dose is about 20 mg. A schedule of dosages is given. The maintenance of adequate clinical hypoprothrombinemia was obtained with daily doses of 2-4 mg. Hypoprothrombinemia was readily overcome with vit. K, the natural vit. being more effective than the synthetic. No bleeding or other toxic phenomena were encountered.