We report the results of calculations of several shielding and antishielding effects pertaining to the hyperfine structure of various ions and atomic systems. The following shielding (or antishielding) parameters have been considered in the present work: (1) the parameter σ2 for the rare-earth ions, which measures the reduction of the A2r2P2(cosθ) term of the crystal field at the location of the 4f electrons due to the shielding effect of the more external 5s and 5p electrons; (2) the quadrupole antishielding factor γ which gives the total quadrupole moment induced in the closed shells of an ion by the nuclear quadrupole moment Q; (3) the corresponding atomic shielding factor R which describes the effect of the induced quadrupole moment on the valence electrons; (4) the hexadecapole antishielding factor η, which is analogous to γ, except that it pertains to the induced hexadecapole (16-pole) moment produced by a possible nuclear electric hexadecapole moment. The calculated values of σ2 for the Pr3+ and Tm3+ ions are in good agreement with the experimental results. We have obtained improved values of γ for the following ions: Al3+, Cs+, I, Pr3+, and Tm3+. The atomic shielding factor R has been calculated for the 4f electrons of Pr3+ and Tm3+, and was found to be in reasonable agreement with experiment. A discussion is given of the most likely regions of atomic number for which it might be possible to detect a nuclear hexadecapole moment. In addition, an evaluation of the second-order terms in the antishielding factor γ for the Cl ion has been carried out. Expressions for γ(nll±2) for the case of hydrogenic wave functions have been obtained.