Direct calculation of the hard-sphere crystal/melt interfacial free energy

We present a direct calculation by molecular-dynamics computer simulation of the crystal/melt interfacial free energy, $\gamma$, for a system of hard spheres of diameter $\sigma$. The calculation is performed by thermodynamic integration along a reversible path defined by cleaving, using specially constructed movable hard-sphere walls, separate bulk crystal and fluid systems, which are then merged to form an interface. We find the interfacial free energy to be slightly anisotropic with $\gamma$ = 0.62$\pm 0.01$, 0.64$\pm 0.01$ and 0.58$\pm 0.01 k_BT/\sigma^2$ for the (100), (110) and (111) fcc crystal/fluid interfaces, respectively. These values are consistent with earlier density functional calculations and recent experiments measuring the crystal nucleation rates from colloidal fluids of polystyrene spheres that have been interpreted [Marr and Gast, Langmuir {\bf 10}, 1348 (1994)] to give an estimate of $\gamma$ for the hard-sphere system of $0.55 \pm 0.02 k_BT/\sigma^2$, slightly lower than the directly determined value reported here.