New Zealand species of Parahebe are homogamous, self-compatible hermaphrodites. P. canescens, P. catarractae, P. decora, P. hookeriana, P. linifolia ssp. linifolia, P. lyallii, and P. olsenii are predominantly entomophilous, whereas P. birleyi, P. cheesemanii, P. laxa, P. linifolia ssp. brevistylis, P. plano-petiolata, P. spathulata, and P. trifida are predominantly autogamous. The morphological syndromes associated with entomophily and autogamy are described. In Parahebe, lowland, widely distributed species are adapted to entomophily, whereas most species occupying various subalpine, alpine, and nival habitats are adapted to autogamy.

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