Octal symmetry (R8=groupofrotationsineightdimensions) is applied to the strong interactions. If the existence of an octet m and a singlet λ of spinless mesons is assumed, a bootstrap mechanism allows the existence of 36 vector mesons with the coupling constants given by the R9 group. Under R8R9 the 36-plet of vector mesons splits in an octet v [with η(780), K(730), π(560) as a possible identification] and a 28-plet v. From octal symmetry a multiplicative quantum number N (block parity) is obtained which forbids the decay vm+m and perhaps explains the small width of this octet. A reasonable mass formula allows us to predict the masses of the v, v vector mesons and suitable candidates with the predicted masses are found. The partial widths for the vm+m decays are consistent with the experimental data and in particular with ΓK(1175)Kπ, Γπ(1220)ππ being small.

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