Upper Limb Traumatic Amputees

The prosthetic status of the traumatic upper limb amputees was reviewed. Fifty-five upper limb amputees were reviewed using a detailed questionnaire, telephone or clinic review and by case note study. Twenty-three patients were traumatic amputees and 32 were congenital amputees. The amputees’ function, prosthetic use and satisfaction were evaluated and this formed the basis of a scoring system. The traumatic group were less satisfied with their prosthesis and their functional ability was poorer, especially in the use of the myoelectric prosthesis. Traumatic amputees wore their prosthesis for an average of 6.5 hours per day compared to 9.3 hours in the atraumatic group. None of the traumatic amputees fitted after 12 weeks returned to gainful employment. Early prosthetic fitting, rehabilitation and post-traumatic counselling are advocated in upper limb traumatic amputees in order to achieve an optimum prosthetic benefit for the patient.

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