Biological Effects of Ingested Amosite Asbestose Taconite Tailings, Diatomaceous Earth and lake Superior Water in Rats

Because amphibole fibers were found in lake Superior and in Duluth municipal water, this study was initiated to evaluate the carcinogenicity of ingested asbestos. Groups of 22–30 Sprague-Dawley rats were fed asbestos and related materials during their lifetime and were examined at autopsy after spontaneous death. Test materials were unfiltered Duluth city tap water, municipal water reservoir sediment suspension, taconite plant tailings, amosite asbestos (a “low-dose” group at 20 mg/rat · day and a high-dose group at 300 mg/rat · day) and diatomaceous earth; a control group drank fiber-free well water or filtered city tap water. Autopsy studies revealed no significant increase in the incidence of malignant tumors in any experimental group compared with that in the control group.