Decay schemes for high-spin states inCl35,36,37andAr37from heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions

The γ-ray decays of high-spin states in Cl35,36,37 and Ar37 were studied via heavy-ion-induced reactions involving N14 and O18 bombardment of targets of Mg24,26 and Al27. Decay schemes and spin-parity assignments were deduced from γγ-coincidence measurements, γ-ray angular distribution and linear polarization measurements, and recoil-distance lifetime measurements. The observed levels are compared to predictions of the weak-coupling model. It is concluded that all the observed high-spin states can be assigned to configurations based on one- or two-nucleon excitations from the (2s,1d) shell into the (1f,1p) shell, and that not all the energetically available yrast levels of these configurations have, as yet, been found.