nodT, a positively-acting cultivar specificity determinant controlling nodulation of Trifolium subterraneum by Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii strain TA1 nodulates a range of Trifolium plants including red, white and subterranean clovers. Nitrogen-fixing nodules are promptly initiated on the tap roots of these plants at the site of inoculation. In contrast to these associations, strain TA1 has a ‘Nod-’ phenotype on a particular cultivar of subterranean clover called Woogenellup (A.H. Gibson, Aust J Agric Sci 19: (1968) 907–918) where it induces rare, poorly developed, slow-to-appear and ineffective lateral root nodules. By comparing the nodulation gene region of strain TA1 with that of another R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain ANU843, which is capable of efficiently nodulating cv. Woogenellup, we have shown that the nodT gene (B.P. Surin et al., Mol Microbiol 4: (1990) 245–252) is essential for nodulation on cv. Woogenellup. The nodT gene is naturally absent in strain TA1. A cosmid clone spanning the entire nodulation gene region of strain TA1 was capable of conferring nodulation ability to R.l. bv. trifolii strains deleted for nodulation genes, but only on cultivars of subterranean clovers nodulated by strain TA1. This shows that cultivar recognition events are, in part, determined by genes in the nodulation region of strain TA1. Complementation studies also indicated that strain TA1 contains negatively-acting genes located on the Sym plasmid and elsewhere, which specifically block nodulation of cv. Woogenellup.