A survey was made of the presence, copy number and location of the Salmonella-specific DNA insertion element IS200, within the genomes of the 27 phage type strains of Salmonella enteritidis. All the phage type strains contained copies of IS200 revealed by genomic Southern blot hybridizations with a 300-bp DNA probe internal to the element. Restriction site variation around IS200 insertion sites was examined. Three fundamental patterns of hybridization corresponding to chromosomal IS200 loci were found. In terms of population genetics, these ‘IS200 profiles’ correspond to clonal lineages of recent evolutionary origin, and underlike the phage-typing scheme for epidemiological subdivision of S. enteritidis. The molecular analysis is consistent with genetic selection pressures which are apparent in the observed epidemiological distribution of S. enteritidis, since each clonal lineage contained one of the phage types of major clinical importance in the U.K.