The female meiotic mutant no distributive disjunction (symbol: nod) reduces the probability that a nonexchange chromosome will disjoin from either a nonexchange homolog or a nonhomolog; the mutant does not affect exchange or the disjunction of bivalents that have undergone exchange. Disjunction of nonexchange homologs was examined for all chromosome pairs; nonhomologous disjunction of the X chromosomes from the Y chromosome in XXY females, of compound chromosomes in females bearing attached-third chromosomes with and without a Y chromosome, and of the second chromosomes from the third chromosomes were also examined. The results suggest that the defect in nod is in the distributive pairing process. The frequencies and patterns of disjunction from a trivalent in nod females suggest that the distributive pairing process involves three separate events-pairing, orientation, and disjunction. The mutant nod appears to affect disjunction only.