Catheter-manometer system damped blood pressures detected by neural nets

Degraded catheter-manometer systems cause distortion of blood pressure waveforms, often leading to erroneously resonant or damped waveforms, requiring waveform quality control. We have tried multilayer perceptron back-propagation trained neural nets of varying architecture to detect damping on sets of normal and artificially damped brachial arterial pressure waves. A second-order digital simulation of a catheter-manometer system is used to cause waveform distortion. Each beat in the waveforms is represented by an 11 parameter input vector. From a group of normotensive or (borderline) hypertensive subjects, pressure waves are used to statistically test and train the neural nets. For each patient and category 5–10 waves are available. The best neural nets correctly classify about 75–85% of the individual beats as either adequate or damped. Using a single majority vote classification per subject per damped or adequate situation, the best neural nets correctly classify at least 16 of the 18 situations in nine test subjects (bionomial P=0.001). More importantly, these neural nets can always detect damping before clinically relevant parameters such as systolic pressure and computed stroke volume are reduced by more than 2%. Neural nets seem remarkably well adapted to solving such subtle problems as detecting a slight damping of arterial pressure waves before it affects waveforms to a clinically relevant degree.