Exposure to an enriched CO2 atmosphere alters carbon assimilation and allocation in a pine forest ecosystem

We linked a leaf‐level CO2 assimilation model with a model that accounts for light attenuation in the canopy and measurements of sap‐flux‐based canopy conductance into a new canopy conductance‐constrained carbon assimilation (4C‐A) model. We estimated canopy CO2 uptake (AnC) at the Duke Forest free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) study. Rates of AnC estimated from the 4C‐A model agreed well with leaf gas exchange measurements (Anet) in both CO2 treatments. Under ambient conditions, monthly sums of net CO2 uptake by the canopy (AnC) were 13% higher than estimates based on eddy‐covariance and chamber measurements. Annual estimates of AnC were only 3% higher than carbon (C) accumulations and losses estimated from ground‐based measurements for the entire stand. The C budget for the Pinus taeda component was well constrained (within 1% of ground‐based measurements). Although the closure of the C budget for the broadleaf species was poorer (within 20%), these species are a minor component of the forest. Under elevated CO2, the C used annually for growth, turnover, and respiration balanced only 80% of the AnC. Of the extra 700 g C m−2 a−1 (1999 and 2000 average), 86% is attributable to surface soil CO2 efflux. This suggests that the production and turnover of fine roots was underestimated or that mycorrhizae and rhizodeposition became an increasingly important component of the C balance. Under elevated CO2, net ecosystem production increased by 272 g C m−2 a−1: 44% greater than under ambient CO2. The majority (87%) of this C was sequestered in a moderately long‐term C pool in wood, with the remainder in the forest floor–soil subsystem.