Laser Induced Ear Damage

THE INITIAL work of Schawlow and Townes1 was extended by Maiman2 to the development of the first functioning laser. Laser radiation is characterized by a high degree of monochromaticity and coherency. Thus electromagnetic radiation became available at considerably higher intensities (ie, power and energy densities) than could be obtained previously. Advances in laser technology were rapid and are continuing to extend the range of frequencies from the infrared through the visible into the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. Studies on biologic interactions of laser radiation were initiated in ophthalmology3,4 and subsequently, in other areas of biomedical research.5,6 Studies on the effects of laser irradiation of skin,7,8 brain,9 tumors,5,10 tissue cultures,11 and in vitro biological systems12 were reported. The application of lasers as retinal coagulators was explored.4 With the widening use of laser devices in the laboratory, in industry, and in